Nic and Ballistic;
They're BOTH very nice maps-ok?!
the guestmap is a feature at the dnc site but i thought it might be cool to for us to get a visual image of where we all are.
just 'click & hold' the map to drag it around.
you can then zoom in on your local area.
Nic and Ballistic;
They're BOTH very nice maps-ok?!
a driver is pulled over by a police man.
man: is there a problem officer?
officer: sir, you were speeding.
A man was in his car when he lost control and suddenly crashed in to another car; the steering wheel was forced back into his lap and he lay in the car, praying for help to come... The ambulance arrived and the paramedic jumped out and went over to the injured man...
paramedic 'Are you ok ?.'
Man 'I think i'm badly hurt'
aramedic 'oh, my God; the steering wheel has jammed on your penis'
Man ;'Get it off- it's driving me nuts...!!!'
this is a both a departure from the conventional paleo-hellenic concepts of logic to a primitive yet equally tenable principle of,'actions speaking louder than words', and a synopsis.. the wts is but one of many groups which are devoted to the disintergration of the traditional or biblical family structure, via nefarious means, as part of a greater plan that envisions a two-class new world order resembling feudalism.. .
the philosophic means to achieve this state is non-biblical.
the wts repudiates the christian principle of "loving your neighbour as yourself " by adopting an altruistic approach which demands to 'love your neighbour above yourself ".
Hey Francois!
What were all those years of practicing moving the fag end along the urinal for if you still can't aim?!
Sundays are for can have alot more fun if you turn the box OFF !!
We only ask you what you're thinking to check you still have a pulse...
If we give in and change a tyre once we'll always be expected to do it..
The 18 month headache is to mask the affair we're having with the guy who hates sport...
We ask you what colour you want to humour you and to pretend we would actually consider it... then we get the one we wanted all along...
We're putting the effort in dressing up for the NEXT guy- who we will hunt for whilst we're out with YOU !!!
this is my first post, just wondering how long after you left the borg.
did it take you to get rid of all your books and literature.
i felt ashamed to get rid of mine and it took me about 5 years to finally break down and dispose of it.
I have just(this week) finally got rid of (in the recycle bin and burning)all the magazines I had left and all the year books...I still have the proclaimers book and the two Insights;Only because I did'nt actually read them and there may be some juicy contradictions in them...
I decided to get rid of them as I know they can be handy for research; but I just don't want to spend my precious time pouring over them; I don't even want to look at them or know they're in my house.Also, what if anything happened to me and my children felt compelled to keep them and God forbid, read them; and I was'nt around to refute it all...(a particular nightmare of mine!)
I felt it was important to burn or recycle as I did'nt want someone else to find them and have a crappy life...!
My local 2nd hand book shop is FULL of them;I even bought some a few weeks ago and put them in the recycle bin on the way home...
i have been a missionary in the dominican republic for almost 10 years and i was wondering if there were any ex-missionaries on this forum.. i am back in my country now for 3 years and totally inactive.. what i noticed in those missionary-years was the lack of spiritual interest among the missionaries.. discussions were about rooms, cars and greater responsibilities, the bad territory.
and the local c.o.s and d.os.. was this only in the dr or are there other experiences??.
ere other experiences?
Hi Fulano,and Welcome;
I often used to wonder if missionaries were made of different stuff than the rest of us-and assumed they never 'quit' due to their fabulously spititually minded personalities...a piece in a year book I was flicking through the other day( before I finally threw the rest of my literature out) stuck in my mind.A missionary sister and hubby had arrived at their assignment and after a while felt really home sick due to it being more difficult than they had imagined; and frustration over the language difficulties.. said they wanted to go home but reasoned;
'We could'nt have gone home if we'd wanted to; we had no transport ,and money and could not have afforded the airfare -so we stuck it out'
I wonder how many other 'faithfull' missionaries are wishing they had the means to go home;but are left stranded-
How awful for you and your wife-how is she now?everyone who has spoken to me about missionaries has said how they were 'cared for'so well.
Only now do I realise how little I really knew.
well people, this is a big day for me.
not only am i 50 today (ugh) but i am celebrating it.
at least i can say that so far it feels no worse than
I tried baking you a cyber cake but the url won't come up..
But i'm sure you don't want to look at any food today!
well, here are my thoughts on the subject.
we sit here and bash the wbts for having gender separation, but what about us apostates?
do the women apostates carry as much weight as the men, and why do you say so?
While this forum is important to me for information and support and a place to come late at night when I need cheering up;I'm aware that I find the concept of computerised 'conversations' VERY difficult.
I like to look at people and listen to the intonation in their voices ;touch them (not there!)and get some body language to help me in the process of getting to know them. better..perhaps;and this is just a humble observation;men find it easier to relate with less physical 'contact'?
So forgive me for being a crap poster, unlike some.
I'm not as stupid as I appear! Really!
Edited for punctuation that made it sound as though I was calling some here stupid;see?Intonation matters!!
Edited by - termite 35 on 24 June 2002 19:46:45
who is your favorite jw celebrity, past and present?.
who is your least favorite?
ja rule
Apparently the multi -talented (???!!) -Geri and mother left a few years ago.
Trevor MacDonald?Really?! How come all there celebs get to miss meetings?
(I heard Naomi Campbells' mother was; but not Naomi.)
if you want to take part in a worth-while and incognito activity for about 3 hours, the one that alan f has referred to, please contact myself or angharad.
it may be good to talk on the phone also.
either email me with your number or request mine via email.
Bttt;anyone else???
i live in northwest england, i have been out of th borg for 8 years.
give me a wave, let me know i am not the only xjw in britain!
Hello Fe203-Welcome-you're surrounded!
The N.E. is pretty full is'nt it?
I'm in Somerset